Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't drink your calories

Despite the overwhelming value of water, most people do not drink enough. Drinking plenty of water is important to maintaining a healthy weight and a nutritious diet. It plays a key role in the way your body processes nutrients, maintain normal circulation and keep the proper balance of fluids.

So how much water is enough???
As a general rule 6 to 8 glasses of water, that is about 8 oz each, every day. If you exercise you will need to drink more to replenish what your body lost during sweating. After each 30 minute work out, drink 2 glasses to replenish your fluids.

Due to their calorie content sodas and fruit juices are NOT good choices for replacing lost fluids.
You can add a splash of fruit juice or a lemon to a glass of water to add flavor if needed.
When evaluating beverages a good place to start is by reading the nutrition facts label. Sodas and fruit juices are often high in calories and sugar while providing little to no nutrients.
Look for drinks with less than 100 calories per 8 oz serving. You don't want to drink back the calories you just burned off! If high fructose corn syrup is near the top of the ingredient list then you might want to pass. A little bit of carbohydrates in beverages can be a good thing. They can help to maintain blood sugar while exercising.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Increase Your Metabolism: Keep Your Resolutions Healthy

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories in order to breathe, support blood circulation, maintain organ function and extract energy from your food.
Your body burns calories much like a car burns fuel. But as most of us are aware some cars just don't get the same miles per gallon.
So how do you start burning calories faster?
A common misconception is that your genes determine your metabolic rate.
The truth is that your metabolism is completely under your control!
Contrary to what you may have heard, eating a grapefruit with every meal will not help you lose weight.
What will increase your metabolism is a high protein, low calorie diet, accompanied by regular exercise.
Protein helps by adding muscle mass and cutting calories there by helping to cut fat.
Every pound of fat free mass burns about 14 calories per day and that's just at rest!
So, a daily regime of high protein, low calories, filled with vitamins, minerals and 30 minutes of exercise is the key to a healthier you!